1905 - 1937
The German Expressionist movement touched all corners of the art during its existence.
roboRisk* FEATURES
This portfolio website highlights glyphs from the Roboto typeface.
The movement sought to emphasize the artist's inner feelings over replicating reality.
Sturm Gallery, Berlin, run by art critic and expert Herwarth Walden was intrumental in championing German Expressionism.
'a movement of young people'
The movement was a result of the younger generation’s reaction against the bourgeois culture of Germany during this time period.

German Expressionist artists used distortion of scale and space to convey their subjective feelings about their society. After WW1, the movement became a bitter protest against the destruction of war

Explore German Expressionism


Die Brucke
[Meaning: The Bridge] Inspired by Fauvism, a group of architecture students gathered in Dresden, 1905.
Determined to form a bridge between academic art and the nascent modern art.
Der Blaue Reiter
Founded in Munich, this group was an offshoot from a larger organization. The name ‘Blue Rider’ came from Kandinsky's prominent motifs.
Despite its brevity, this group produced some of the greatest 20th Century Paintings and is considered to be high point of expressionism in Germany.
Fauvism, a prominent influence

les Fauves
Fauvism was the style of 'the wild beasts', that emphasized painterly qualities and strong color
The leaders of the movement were André Derain and Henri Matisse
The thick paint application, bold hues and expressive nature of post-impressionism were exemplified and emphasized.

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